Tuesday 27 September 2016

BEWARE INDIA : Issued in public interest

BEWARE India ! 
of individuals / organisations who on their websites :
- use the words ‘Jolly Phonics’ in any manner,
- exhibit photographs of Sue Lloyd / Chris Jolly,
- exhibit photographs with Sue Lloyd / Chris Jolly,
- have met Sue / Chris in person once or more,
to create an impression that they are associated with / representing Jolly Learning, UK / Jolly Phonics.
The details here, are being shared in public interest, in 2016. It is the first and only such communication in India to protect Jolly Learning / Jolly Phonics image in India.

Please note the following :
# Jolly Learning / Jolly Phonics has no official franchisee / agent / associate / trainer in India. This has been confirmed by Jolly Learning, in 2016.
# All individuals who have done a Jolly Learning course in the past, and currently teach / train Phonics do so independently. All/ each of them are /is NOT officially representative / associate of Jolly Learning. This has been confirmed by Jolly Learning, in 2016.
# Having original / photocopies of Jolly phonics workbooks does not make anyone a Jolly Phonics authorised teacher.
# No individual / organisation in India can offer / issue a “Jolly Phonics certificate”, for any course / training / workshop. Jolly Learning issues all Jolly Phonics certificate either directly or through CPD College.

So, the next time you have to pay for a Phonics course / workshop / training, ask concerned for showing you written proof of representation / authority from Jolly Learning / Jolly Phonics. Inability to do the same will prove the point being made.

If anyone / any organisation / website is trying to sell you any Jolly Learning / Phonics course or training think twice … beware … if you have to query of authenticity of individual / organisation, then ask Jolly Learning directly by sending mail at info@jollylearning.co.uk

You may confirm each of the above points by writing directly to Jolly Learning at info@jollylearning.co.uk

Do not get misled in this regard by ... sweet talk / confident talk / pleasing personality ... of anyone in India !
Share this with friends and all you know.


Note :
# The above have been shared in public interest, in 2016. It is the first and only such communication in India to protect Jolly Learning / Jolly Phonics image in India.
# The above is subject to edit based on changes by Jolly Learning or response / inputs received from Jolly Learning.
# This website is not of Jolly Learning, UK.
# Phonics eStore or its founder is not an associate / representative / affiliate of Jolly Learning, UK.
# Phonics eStore only had an affiliation with CPD College, UK for the Jolly Learning Phonics online course in India. This affiliation was made in 2015 and subject to change.
# Phonics eStore heartily acknowledges Jolly Learning for its contribution to Phonics literacy across countries. 

Issued in public interest.

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